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PRTG Network Monitor

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Extended flexible way to handle sensor's incoming data



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User Story

As a PRTG User, I want possibility to evaluate incoming sensor data freely and create channel out of it no matter what format it is.

Details of User Story

I have snmp sensor which retrieves temperature sensor data from display. Snmp reply includes information ASN_OCTET_STR as data type for value but for reason unknown returned data is in hexadecimal format which makes it impossible for prtg to convert data to proper sensor channel.

I would like to see additional functionality in sensor configurations Extended Processing where it is possible to totally pass datatype evaluation and forward retrieved data via either Basic conversion methods or more Sophisticated methods to channel creation (which then should have some kind of selection which kind of data there will be expected to be monitored)

Basic conversion methods would be something like Object -> decimal/float/hex/str. Sophisticated and more flexible (what I would like to see) would be something like sensor feeds full incoming Object to selected JavaScript method (or other common text based scripting language with proper RegExp and data conversion possibilities) function as Object[] and JS function returns Object['SensorName', 'DataType', 'Value'] back to sensor for further data processing. Sophisticated approach would give maximum possibilities also to process properly other "bit weird" values given by this same display and help with many many other av-specific oddities which I try to monitor ;)

Acceptance criteria

  • Criterion #1 To change 'kind-of wrong values' to system readable format and monitor them no matter what input data tells it to be



add-feature prtg-kbtracker prtg-sensor

Created on Nov 23, 2020 5:55:00 PM


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