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User story
As a PRTG user, I want to have a native map object that allow me to use libraries within maps.
Details of user story
When having a large set of libraries, it would be great to be able to use them within maps without the troubles of manually creating the same manually.
Acceptance criteria
- Libraries are natively available as map objects
- It would be great to have multiple view sets available, like the whole tree or a condensed set, only consisting of the various sensor states in that library.
you will have to work with a custom map object with the following content:
<!--Custom Map Objects: Library 715--> <div class="map_object map_table <#sensor type="colorclassofstate" prefix="map_objectstate_" id="<@objectid>">" id="<@itemid>" objectid="<@objectid>" subid="<@subid>" style="overflow:hidden;<#mapobject type="coordinates" subid="<@subid>" mode="<@editmode>">"> <#mapobject type="objectgrip" mode="<@editmode>"> <#mapobject type="htmlbefore" subid="<@subid>"> <#checkobjecttype objecttype="probenode,group" nicemessage="true" id="<@objectid>"> <div id="viewport"> <div id="libTree" class="libTree prtg-plugin" data-plugin="libtree" data-objectid="715" data-lib-name='Library' data-view-type='<#system type="groupviewsize" varexpand="overwrite" overwrite="@grpvs">' data-controls-parent='#viewport' data-hide-controls="true" data-objects='<#table id='715' output='json' count='*' subcheck='1' noraw='1' content='library' sortby='probegroupdevice' filter_basetype='@ntxt('sensor')' columns='objid,name,access=treejson,probegroupdevice=treejson,basetype,icon,favorite,fold,devicenum=textraw,groupnum=textraw,totalsens=textraw,upsens=textraw,downsens=textraw,partialdownsens=textraw,warnsens=textraw,pausedsens=textraw,unusualsens=textraw,undefinedsens=textraw,downacksens=textraw,condition,status=textraw,message=textraw,info,priority,libkind,liblinkedid'>' > </div> </div> <#mapobject type="htmlafter" subid="<@subid>"> </div>
Please replace every occurence of the number 715 with the ID of the library you want to use.
We have done a quick test on the object and it worked on all of the tested PRTG installations. However, we recommend using latest version.
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