I'd like to see support for 64 bit lookup values implemented. The docs state that SingleInt and Range are restricted to 32-bit (but it does not inform if it's signed or unsigned values. This should be clarified as well, to be honest.)
However, the docs on BitField lookup values does not mention if it's 32 or 64 bit. A quick test with a random numerical value throws an error confirming it's 32 bit as well, of course.
> "Error by lookup value 'Value is out of 32-bit integer bounds (550025461760)' in channel foo"
The PRTG software suite is 64-bit. Yet... it _still_ cannot process 64 bit numerical values. I have requested this several years back as well, but it seems like you've forgotten all about it. Could you please have your developers take a look at this request again?
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