I'm having a hard time to add a sensor that's just getting the temperatures without the states. I just want to have the OIDs monitored.
I tried adding the snmpciscosystemhealth dynamic sensor with the API and filtering out the OIDs in the target list, I've tried using the WebGUI and removing the OIDs from the checkbox value.. whatever I do, the sensor is adding the temperature states as well or just fails to add the sensor properly.
it would also be okay to hide them from graph and tables, but I can't do that through API (only hide from graph) and can't do that as a mass change, either.
There are about 300 switches and each has multiple temperatures on the sensor and thus, multiple unwanted states. There must be a way to optimize that? either adding without or removing/hiding automated.
the custom SNMP sensor is only doing 10 channels, which may be okay for some switches, but most of the 300 switches have 15 temperatures.
Please advise. :)
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