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FeedFeature Request: Have snmptraffic sensors show interface utilzation percentage



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User story

As a PRTG user, I want snmptraffic sensors to poll the interface speed they are monitoring (ie: 1G, 10G, 40G, etc) so that can be used as optional percentage channels (traffic in/out) and can be used for capacity reporting on scheduled reports to make it easier to track when internet circuits are reaching capacity, and need to be upgraded. This value should also be able to change, for instance, if a LAG is expanded.

Details of user story

We operate a large global network, which makes capacity planning a bit of a challenge. Having this addition to the snmptraffic sensors would make it much easier to set templates for threshold alerts, and would make reports much easier to read by higher ups don't know what the interface speed of every circuit is.

Acceptance criteria

  • Add polling of interface speed to new and existing snmptraffic sensors.
  • Have reports be able to show traffic in/out utilization percentages based off of interface speed in addition to traffic levels.



feature-request prtg-kbtracker reporting snmp snmptraffic

Created on Nov 24, 2021 2:18:54 PM


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