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FeedI want to install Python packages for the Python installation of PRTG. How can I do that?



I want to install additional Python packages that are not included in the Python installation by default. How can I do that?

packages prtg python

Created on Jun 1, 2022 7:51:08 AM

2 Replies

Accepted Answer



This article applies as of PRTG 22

How to install Python packages for the Python installation of PRTG

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Open a command line or PowerShell with administrator privileges (right-click, "Run as administrator")
  2. Change the directory to the \python subfolder of the PRTG program directory.

    32-bit installations:
    Command line:cd “C:\Program Files\PRTG Network Monitor\python\”
    PowerShell:cd 'C:\Program Files\PRTG Network Monitor\python\'
    64-bit installations:
    Command line:cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\python\”
    PowerShell:cd 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\python\'
  3. Install the Python packages via the following command:
    .\python.exe -m pip install <package_name>
    For example:.\python.exe -m pip install requests


Created on Jun 1, 2022 7:53:04 AM

Last change on Jun 1, 2022 7:53:04 AM



For the benefit of anyone who finds this thread in future, be aware you need to be logged into Windows as THE Administrator account to install the required modules. Being logged in as AN administrator is insufficient.

Oh, and you also need to be on a release later than

PRTG Version broke compatibility with pip.exe install (to install Python packages). With this PRTG release we have removed support for this command to prevent unexpected errors. As of now the only supported way of installing a Python package to use Python Script Advanced sensor is python.exe -m pip install. Please also see our Knowledge Base article for more information about Python installation: https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/90686.

- Greig.

Created on Sep 6, 2022 5:16:00 AM

Disclaimer: The information in the Paessler Knowledge Base comes without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. Before applying any instructions please exercise proper system administrator housekeeping. You must make sure that a proper backup of all your data is available.