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FeedCreate a custom signal instead of only warning/error



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User story

As a PRTG user, I want to be able to create custom alerts/status instead of only having the 2 (Warning and Down). So you should be able to create a warning based on error/warning limits that you can give your own text and color aswell.

Details of user story

One of the main reasons I want this is because sometimes you see a system is "Down" but sometimes this is misleading. For example if you add a sensor for Windows Update you get a "Down" message/pop-up but this is is misleading because the system is not Down but it needs an update. Example number 2 is let say a temperature sensor we are using, again if the temperature is too high it will say "Down" but then again I want to create a custom status that says for example "Temp to high" with a different color. If we have a feature like this you can be way more accurate with your warning and maybe respond differently to different situations.

Acceptance criteria

  • Ability to create a custom signal with titles/colors instead of only warning/error.



add-feature improve-prtg prtg-kbtracker

Created on Aug 18, 2022 11:22:59 AM


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