Hello Ricardo,
Yes, I successfully inject data from node-Red into a "IoT Push Data (Advanced) (HTTP)" sensor. It was a very happy moment. The key is that Node-RED is the main application for my project, only in Node-RED are stored the High and High-High Levels of the sensor. And it's not a nice practice to have to repeat this configuration in another system, like PRTG. So, the custom sensor JSON has the Tags to tell PRTG that:
- the sensor is "<Warning>" (aka High Level)
- to send a notification to the user with the tag "<NotifyChanged>"
- the sensor has a problem "<Error>"
src: PRTG Manual: Custom Sensors
I have tested this TAGs from a browser (using xml, not json) and it worked as I needed, but this TAGs seems not implemented in the PRTG Node-RED connector. am I right? Would be possible to ask for this functionalitys to be added to the connector?
Warning and Notify TAGs:<prtg><result><channel>temperatura</channel><value>10</value><warning>1</warning><notifychanged></notifychanged></result><text>this%20is%20a%20warning%20message</text></prtg>
Error TAG<prtg><result><channel>temperatura</channel><value>20</value></result><error>1</error><text>this%20is%20a%20error%20message</text></prtg>
Reading now the Custom Sensor Manual, the TAGs "<LimitMaxWarning>" and "<LimitMaxError>" to tell to PRTG the High and High-High Level, would be handy too.
Thank You!!
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