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Ability to Set Default Dependency Delay Value Globally or with Supported API Call



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User story

As a PRTG user, I want to be able to set a default dependency delay value as a global setting OR be able to change the dependency delay value through a supported API call.

Details of user story

In a Device's Settings menu, in the "Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window" section, there is an option to set a dependency for the device. Typically this defaults to the ping sensor which is good logic. However, the dependency delay (Sec.) defaults to 60 seconds. There are certain cases which make this delay not enough: - Windows updates causing the server to take additional minutes to fully boot to allow for other components to be successfully monitored. - Physical servers can be reachable via ping quickly but still take some time to start all devices to be monitored. - Monitored Windows services that start with Automatic (Delayed Start) may take a few additional minutes to start.

The above scenarios and others can cause false down notifications to be sent when not desired.

There is currently no way to change this default value globally or even for many devices at once. Changing the value via API call is not supported and has crashed our server when testing with the PrtgAPI PowerShell module (-RawProperty + -RawValue method). This was documented in Paessler support case number 2350975. Having either a supported API call or a global setting to keep this value consistent would be very useful. Otherwise, you need to use the GUI to check and change every single device individually, which does not scale well for large installations with thousands of devices. Additionally, as noted in case 2350975, even when changing 100 devices at a time using the multi-edit tool, it seems this is not supported because it crashes the server as well.

Acceptance criteria

  • A global way to change the dependency delay value for all devices. This setting would affect both already existing and ongoing newly created devices. The option could be disabled or enabled, as I assume some customers might like to keep different devices configured differently, whereas we want to configure the delay consistently across all devices. OR
  • A supported API function to change the dependency delay value across PRTG-supported limits (<10K sensors).



dependency improve-prtg prtg-kbtracker

Created on Dec 14, 2022 2:23:01 PM


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