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FeedReturn status from acknowledge to down




I would like to ask how to setup effectively prtg sensor for regular check in DB. e.g. we've got regular daily check in the evening if we've got all data. The output is number of rows (right value is OK otherwise some of the data missing).

Sometimes happends that there are less rows than expected. Responsible person fix it. But sometimes he sets only acknowledge on sensor. That persists to the other day. After midnight in the morning I can't rescan sensor to give him "green" status because of script which is set for actual day(result will be 0) until next scan. It will be probably ok again in right time in the evening.

But when it isn't, prtg doesn't let me know again because the sensor is acknowledged.

Is there any option to get notification and set sensor to down status again automatically? I would like to avoid schedule and pause.

thank you

acknoledge prtg regular-check

Created on Jun 26, 2023 11:00:02 AM

3 Replies




Thanks for contacting us! There is a similar discussion on this kb article https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/5903-how-to-auto-acknowledge-a-down-sensor-in-prtg

Please check and let us know if it helps.

Created on Jun 28, 2023 1:46:19 PM by  Mitzi Rodriguez [Paessler support]



Hi thank you for the respond but it doesn't help me. I think I have opposite problem like I described above.

I have regular DB check. If it fails it takes some time to fix it. We acknowledge the sensor for others to know. When the date change and sensor remines acknowledged. It will always be down(stay acknowledged) until regular check(Right timing to check for data).

I need to know when next regular check is done and fails again to notify me.

Is it clear now please?

thank you

Created on Jun 28, 2023 2:27:16 PM



Thanks for reporting back.

I understand, Unfortunately once a 'Down' sensor is acknowledged, it changes its state to 'Down (Acknowledged)' and stays as long as necessary in this particular state. The sensor scans are processed according to their set scanning intervals but the sensor does not change its state as long as the target device does not respond in a different way.

There is an alternative using an external tool from PRTG Family tools discussed here https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/87405-reactivate-acknowledge-alarms

Created on Jun 29, 2023 2:46:41 PM by  Mitzi Rodriguez [Paessler support]

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