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FeedCharting volume data



Looking for a way to chart the volume data captured as part of the bandwidth information. The channels chart the speed but looking to chart the volume.

channels prtg traffic-volume

Created on Jan 5, 2011 6:27:35 PM

Best Answer

Accepted Answer



I will try to explain why we decided not to offer this option.

The X Axis of graphs is the time. So all data has to be displayed based on linear time.

If all measurements have the same interval (e.g. 60s) Volume and Speed are a linear conversion. So the graph lines will look exactly the same with just different Y Axis labels.

If the intervals are not the same, this can happen if you press the "scan now" button for an extra measurements or a missed value due to a timeout, Speed and Volume do not convert linear.

This causes a dilemma when displaying on a graph with a linear X Axis (Time). If we display the volumes as measured the graph gets dents and peaks visually suggesting a change of volume/speed (the graph area does not match the volume).

If we adjust the Volume to the time the points in the Graph do not match the table (this would be the same graph as speed but with different labels).

Both ways we would confuse some users who would expect it to behave differently.

The only way we can display the graphs mathematically AND visually correct is to use the speed.

Sample data with 60s interval and constant speed:

00:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
01:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
02:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
03:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
03:30 10 kbit/s 37.5 kbyte <- Scan now
04:00 10 kbit/s 37.5 kbyte
05:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
06:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
08:00 10 kbit/s 150 kbyte <- Missed scan at 07:00
09:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
10:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte


Sample Graph

Created on Aug 1, 2011 10:00:51 AM by  Jens Rupp [Paessler Support]

14 Replies



If you use PRTG's SNMP Traffic or WMI Traffic sensors then you already get speed and volume. If you want e.g. KByte/h instead of kbit/s you can change the Channel Unit in the sensor settings (at the very bottom, uncheck "Inherit Channel Unit Configuration" and select the desired unit).

Created on Jan 7, 2011 8:23:26 AM by  Dirk Paessler [Founder Paessler AG] (11,025) 3 6



Thanks for the answer, sorry for not being clear enough.

I am looking to chart the values in the Traffic Total (volume) column in the tables over the sampling interval periods. For example: at 5:00 PM 10 MByte of volume, at 5:05 PM 20 MByte volume.

I am trying to plot the volume values, not the speed values.

Created on Jan 7, 2011 3:34:50 PM




I'm afraid Volume-values cannot be graphed.

Best Regards.

Created on Jan 17, 2011 11:43:33 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



This is a fairly common requirement. Why the fairly arbitrary restriction? it certainly limits the usefulness of an otherwise flexible tool.

Created on Jun 10, 2011 2:45:31 AM



I was just trying to figure this out myself. A volume graph would be much more valuable to me than a speed graph.

Created on Jul 20, 2011 8:13:38 AM




the volume graph is already there.


please define what exactly it is you want to be displayed

Created on Jul 20, 2011 9:27:34 AM by  Aurelio Lombardi [Paessler Support]



Integral Calculus?

Created on Jul 20, 2011 12:29:36 PM



I want the same thing the OP wants, the Volume data to be displayed on the graph instead of the Speed data. I want to be able to look at the graph and see the Amount of data (KBytes), not the (kbits/s). For my application, I want/need to see the raw amount of data being transferred. When you pull up a bandwidth sensor you can see the Volume of data listed, but you can't have them display on the graph.

Torsten Lindner says this can't be done though.

It'd be a great option to add in a future update.

Created on Jul 22, 2011 11:24:06 PM




how do you want to draw that graph???? How do you want this to look like? The volume is already there. It is the area underneath the speed line! And you would use integral calculus to calculate that.

Please, to every one who is asking to show the volume instead of the speed in a sensor, please sit down and try to draw it on a peace of paper and then send it to us.

Created on Jul 24, 2011 5:24:47 PM by  Aurelio Lombardi [Paessler Support]



All right, I tried my best creating an image using mspaint and a screenshot.

I uploaded it here:


As you'll see, the Columns outlined in Red are what are currently plotted on your graphs. I want the data in the Blue outlined columns to be plotted on the graph instead of the Red data, as depicted in the graph I made. The graph would look the same as it does now, the only difference is the data being plotted is pulled from the Blue outlined areas instead of the Red.

Created on Jul 28, 2011 6:05:03 AM

Accepted Answer



I will try to explain why we decided not to offer this option.

The X Axis of graphs is the time. So all data has to be displayed based on linear time.

If all measurements have the same interval (e.g. 60s) Volume and Speed are a linear conversion. So the graph lines will look exactly the same with just different Y Axis labels.

If the intervals are not the same, this can happen if you press the "scan now" button for an extra measurements or a missed value due to a timeout, Speed and Volume do not convert linear.

This causes a dilemma when displaying on a graph with a linear X Axis (Time). If we display the volumes as measured the graph gets dents and peaks visually suggesting a change of volume/speed (the graph area does not match the volume).

If we adjust the Volume to the time the points in the Graph do not match the table (this would be the same graph as speed but with different labels).

Both ways we would confuse some users who would expect it to behave differently.

The only way we can display the graphs mathematically AND visually correct is to use the speed.

Sample data with 60s interval and constant speed:

00:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
01:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
02:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
03:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
03:30 10 kbit/s 37.5 kbyte <- Scan now
04:00 10 kbit/s 37.5 kbyte
05:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
06:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
08:00 10 kbit/s 150 kbyte <- Missed scan at 07:00
09:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte
10:00 10 kbit/s 75 kbyte


Sample Graph

Created on Aug 1, 2011 10:00:51 AM by  Jens Rupp [Paessler Support]



Sorry to dig up the past, This would be useful for the circumstance where monitoring pages printed from a printer.

It would be more useful for me to see number of pages at each snapshot rather then 0.01 / s

Seems like it could be added as a feature for such occurrences

Cheers Scobber

Created on May 11, 2015 2:18:52 AM



It appears as though this was never addressed. I see that volume is visible in a graph, but no option for viewing it in a gauge. Are there plans to address this? My use case is an EXE sensor that tracks gallons/ day.

Created on Oct 11, 2022 4:11:57 PM



Hi there, at the moment we don't implement new features in our current UI since a new one is in development (alpha is already released). If you want that a certain feature is implemented and there is no feature request yet, you can create one according to this article: https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/79245-how-can-i-propose-new-features-or-sensors-for-prtg

Created on Oct 13, 2022 12:46:05 PM by  Moritz Heller [Paessler Support]

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