It appears that you cannot use Libraries within Maps. This would be a very handy feature..for example, I'd like to display a Library I've created with specific router ping sensors (from different groups), but there's no way to accomplish this in Maps without manually adding each individual sensor. Please let me know if this is in the pipeline. Thanks.
Best Answer
In order to properly track the users who actually want this feature implemented, we've migrated this into an official feature request. We know, rather late - our apologies about that. Unfortunately, due to technical limitations of the knowledge base, we cannot migrate the +1's of this thread into actual upvotes, hence we're starting at zero - but we'll add the 23 voices :)
It also features a workaround one can use for the time being (as featured in this thread as well). Please ensure to hit the "Thumbs Up" icon instead of replying - which will not be published in Feature Request threads :)
59 Replies
we are already working on this feature. It will be part of a rewrite of the complete Web GUI of PRTG. Unfortunately no ETA can be given yet.
Best regards
Any updates on when this feature may become available?
there is no ETA yet, but most likely in Q2/2013.
Best regards
Hi, has this update happened? Do you have a link to a demo for it?
@stuartm: I'm afraid the implementation of libraries in Maps has been delayed and therefore no new ETA can be given. Sorry.
Best regards
Ok, then I guess a little more on my root problem. I have a Library that shows Down and Warning sensors on 5 remote probes (so each Library Node is filtered by sensor status).
I want to show this content in an iframe on another dashboard we are working on.
Unfortunately, my attempts to use an iframe to display the content also fail and I get the message (from IE), "To help protect the security of information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame.".
Can you tell me how I can go about *easily* displaying my down and warning sensors on a page with other monitoring data from other systems? Consuming the API is something I'd like to avoid as it requires more time than we can afford right now.
In your case, you will have to work with a custom map object with the following content:
<!--Custom Map Objects: Library 715--> <div class="map_object map_table <#sensor type="colorclassofstate" prefix="map_objectstate_" id="<@objectid>">" id="<@itemid>" objectid="<@objectid>" subid="<@subid>" style="overflow:hidden;<#mapobject type="coordinates" subid="<@subid>" mode="<@editmode>">"> <#mapobject type="objectgrip" mode="<@editmode>"> <#mapobject type="htmlbefore" subid="<@subid>"> <#checkobjecttype objecttype="probenode,group" nicemessage="true" id="<@objectid>"> <div id="viewport"> <div id="libTree" class="libTree prtg-plugin" data-plugin="libtree" data-objectid="715" data-lib-name='Library' data-view-type='<#system type="groupviewsize" varexpand="overwrite" overwrite="@grpvs">' data-controls-parent='#viewport' data-hide-controls="true" data-objects='<#table id='715' output='json' count='*' subcheck='1' noraw='1' content='library' sortby='probegroupdevice' filter_basetype='@ntxt('sensor')' columns='objid,name,access=treejson,probegroupdevice=treejson,basetype,icon,favorite,fold,devicenum=textraw,groupnum=textraw,totalsens=textraw,upsens=textraw,downsens=textraw,partialdownsens=textraw,warnsens=textraw,pausedsens=textraw,unusualsens=textraw,undefinedsens=textraw,downacksens=textraw,condition,status=textraw,message=textraw,info,priority,libkind,liblinkedid'>' > </div> </div> <#mapobject type="htmlafter" subid="<@subid>"> </div>
Please replace every occurence of the number 715 with the ID of the library you want to use.
We have done a quick test on the object and it worked on all of the tested PRTG installations but as this were only quick tests I cannot guarantee whether this will work on every PRTG version (I would recommend using the latest version).
Best regards
Created on Aug 15, 2013 9:22:58 AM by
Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]
Last change on Jan 31, 2014 9:51:53 AM by
Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]
I just want to put another vote in for the option to use a library for a map. As I build out my PRTG monitoring I have been asked to share to staff (public) a number of views. Looks like maps will be the best way to do this. For example one view is ATMs. This view will be a number of different sensors that have all been tagged with "ATM". In some cases this is a switch port bandwidth sensor, packet capture, custom ASA connection sensor, or a Cisco IP SLA sensor.
These sensors come from across the whole device tree. The only way I can group them is via tag in a library. I would love to be able to create this map for our staff.
Other examples of requested maps include internet connections, internal network (branch) connections.
@Jeff_Cook: Thank you, your vote has been counted. We are still working on the implementation but still no release date can be given here. Sorry.
The following article shows how to use a Sizeable Icon on Status Related Background in a Map for a device or group which only considers specific sensors for an overall status.
It uses a library with a sunburst view in the Map for this purpose:
this feature would be very handy. please implement it soon.
I input the ID of my library into the above code, then saved it as an HTML file in the appropriate folder for my installation. However, the Library does not appear in the Custom Objects section in Map Editor. If I try to input this into a blank Custom Object via the AJAX UI, I get an Error, stating that an object with this ID does not exist.
Can you please upload a few screenshots showing this?
Any News about this usefull Feature?
We still have it on the wish list, and I did count your vote. There is no fixed release date or version set yet, we hope to have it implemented within the next 12 months though.
Another vote for this feature. This is one of those features that we would really need to scale PRTG to more than a few dozen probes.
Another vote from me for this feature
One plus. this would enhance flexibility when using maps dramatically.
Adding my +1 as well - this apparently is a feature a lot of us want, but since thread was first started in 2012, doesn't look like it was actually developed!
Another vote from me for this feature!
I am assuming the 12 month deadline previously given as also pushed back?
"We still have it on the wish list, and I did count your vote. There is no fixed release
date or version set yet, we hope to have it implemented within the next 12 months though
Created on Feb 13, 2015 2:35:55 PM by Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]"
Thanks for the comment Evan. It's still on the wish list yes, without an ETA though now. It did get pushed back. I can't give an estimate right now, will count your vote though. Sorry.
As long as we're counting votes, please add my vote as well. This would be extremely helpful!
Would love some better integration with Libraries and Maps. My Example: We have one Library with around 50 WAN-Sensors from Routers. Now we would like to build a big Dashboard with all Live-Traffic-Graphs, now we have to do it one by one. Another Idee would be absolut great: Mapping the "TOP 10" Sensors on a Library!
Ahoy oli
Better functionality for libraries would definitely be a bonus for us, especially on maps.
We have the majority of our sensors grouped into libraries for various purposes (mostly notification routing or seperation of client types).
One of our main views on maps is a list of all down sensors showing only the necessary columns. We have to resort to adding custom tags and filtering the table based on these new tags if we want to show tables for different collections which seems like an extra step when we already have the sensors we want grouped into libraries using the default tags.
another vote from me for the library integration.
The last News were from December last Year, are there any "new" News?
Jacqueline, I'm very much afraid there are no news so far. I will push the request again in our development team. Please bear with us.
Please add this feature. It has been requested by many since 2012. Thank you.
Hi there,
Please bear in mind, as with all things customising, which includes script sensors, customizing on pages in PRTG (reports, map objects, etc.), users are on their own. This has to be done by the user. While we do have a few explanations and rough guides in our KB for that, as well as the API-Documentation, be aware, that it's only supposed to work as a base, and using it is at your own risk.
Below you will find the updated version which will work in the new facelift again:
<!--Custom Map Objects: Library LibID--> <div class="map_object map_table <#sensor type="colorclassofstate" prefix="map_objectstate_" id="<@objectid>">" id="<@itemid>" objectid="<@objectid>" subid="<@subid>" style="overflow:hidden;<#mapobject type="coordinates" subid="<@subid>" mode="<@editmode>">"> <#mapobject type="objectgrip" mode="<@editmode>"> <#mapobject type="htmlbefore" subid="<@subid>"> <#checkobjecttype objecttype="probenode,group" nicemessage="true" id="<@objectid>"> <div id="viewport"> <div id="libTree" class="libTree prtg-plugin" data-plugin="libtree" data-objectid="LibID" data-lib-name='Library' data-view-type='<#system type="groupviewsize" varexpand="overwrite" overwrite="@grpvs">' > <!-- {"objects":<#table id="LibID" output="json" count="*" subcheck="1" noraw="1" content="library" sortby="probegroupdevice" filter_basetype="@ntxt('sensor')" columns="objid,name,access=treejson,probegroupdevice=treejson,basetype,icon,favorite,fold,devicenum=textraw,groupnum=textraw,totalsens=textraw,upsens=textraw,downsens=textraw,partialdownsens=textraw,warnsens=textraw,pausedsens=textraw,unusualsens=textraw,undefinedsens=textraw,downacksens=textraw,condition,status=textraw,message=textraw,info,priority,libkind,liblinkedid"> } --> </div> </div> <#mapobject type="htmlafter" subid="<@subid>"> </div>
Just change "LibID" three times in the script above.
Best regards.
Created on Mar 21, 2018 4:06:40 PM by
Dariusz Gorka [Paessler Support]
Last change on Feb 8, 2019 11:21:25 AM by
Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]
I have tried to use the script provided and each time I try it advises the object does not exist. I replaced the LibID with:
- "12357"
- "#12357"
- 12357
The version I am using is PRTG Network Monitor x64
Please can you advise how I resolve this?
Also, add me as a +1 for this functionality to be developed and deployed.
Hi there,
Could you post the HTML you have changed with the Library ID together you have posted? Have you checked that you change "LibID" three times?
Best regards.
Also +1
Would be nice to group systems with multiple servers (and hosted websites for example) in maps, so that we could use one single status icon for a bunch of sensors located (and grouped) on different nodes.
The Initial request was 2012 and we still dont see anything. Is this still on the Roadmap? Or did Paessler dump this Request?
Hi there,
Up until now this still requires massive changes within PRTG, which are currently planned and about to come. We first need to make sure that the Core and all underlying processes/services are optimized in order to built new features on top of PRTG. Currently Libraries in Maps is not planned and part of the roadmap.
Best regards.
Another Big vote from me.. MAP using Library is very important.
But we all know this is never going to happen, just as the map designer is never going to get the long deserved complete overhaul ...
+1 I can't believe this is not a feature yet!!!
In order to properly track the users who actually want this feature implemented, we've migrated this into an official feature request. We know, rather late - our apologies about that. Unfortunately, due to technical limitations of the knowledge base, we cannot migrate the +1's of this thread into actual upvotes, hence we're starting at zero - but we'll add the 23 voices :)
It also features a workaround one can use for the time being (as featured in this thread as well). Please ensure to hit the "Thumbs Up" icon instead of replying - which will not be published in Feature Request threads :)
it's just been a while since there's been an update to the post here. Can you give a state of affairs regarding the function and the development status?
Hello Dear customer
In order to properly track the users who actually want this feature implemented, we've migrated this into an official feature request. We know, rather late - our apologies about that. Unfortunately, due to technical limitations of the knowledge base, we cannot migrate the +1's of this thread into actual upvotes, hence we're starting at zero - but we'll add the 23 voices :)
It also features a workaround one can use for the time being (as featured in this thread as well). Please ensure to hit the "Thumbs Up" icon instead of replying - which will not be published in Feature Request threads :)
Thanks for your feedback Ricardo. In the PRTG roadmap you can't find anything about further developments regarding features in Maps. Rather, there is an explicit point under EXPLORATION "Grafana integration". If this point already exists today, how far is the further development of the map functions behind it?
Please check the following for the workaround implemented.
Hello, regarding to your above mentioned workaround I have the question, if it is possible to let sunburst only show sensores that are OK or DOWN (so exclude paused, faulty but acknowledged, etc.) so that sunburst only show colors green or red. Is that possible e.g. with a little extension to your code above? Regards
Hello Dear customer
I apologize for the inconvenience,
I am afraid this is not possible at this point, I invited you to proceed and open a feature request for this here:
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