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FeedHow can I setup audible notifications (sound files) in PRTG?



How can I set up sound alerts for PRTG?

alarm alerts audio notifications prtg prtg8 sound

Created on Jun 9, 2010 3:37:48 PM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Last change on Oct 12, 2011 11:04:04 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

11 Replies

Accepted Answer



Note: Please find information about audible alarms for current PRTG Network Monitor versions in the article Which audible notifications are available in PRTG?

This article applies to PRTG Network Monitor 7.2 through 8 (deprecated)

Sound Alerting in PRTG 7.2 through 8 (Deprecated)

There are several possibilities to play a sound when there is something going on in your network that needs your attention:

  • Sounds from your PRTG core server (V7.x only)
  • Sounds in PRTG Web Interface
  • Sounds in PRTG Windows GUI

Sounds from your PRTG core server (V7.x only)

The computer PRTG is running on can play sound notifications. Note: Sound notifications are not available in V8 or higher.

Add a Sound Notification

In the PRTG web interface, select Setup | Notifications from the main menu and click on Add new notification. Enable Play sound file (Windows XP/2003 only) and choose a WAV file from the drop down menu. Save.

In your sensor's settings, trigger the notification (see manual section "Notifications").

Please note: When the notification is triggered, it will only be played on the computer the PRTG core server is running on (and not on any computer connected via web interface or Windows GUI)! Furthermore, sound notifications only work for Windows XP and 2003.

Sounds in PRTG Web Interface

Within the PRTG web interface, you can play a general sound for all alarm messages, and you can create maps with "sounding objects" to play a sound when a special object is in an alarm state. The sound will be played within the browser window, if supported by your browser.

Supported Browsers

For sound notification, PRTG embeds a WAV file into its HTML code. It depends on the browser and the system if this file will be played. From our experience with different browsers and OS's, we can give some general guidelines:

  • IE 8 and Opera 10: Will play the sound without additional software
  • Firefox 3, Chrome 5, and Safari 5: Will need an installed Quicktime plugin

Enable Audible Alarms for User Account

In PRTG 7, select Setup | User Accounts from the main menu and click on a user account. In the Auto Refresh and Alerting section, change the setting for Play Audible Alarms. Choose between:

  • On dashboard pages only (will only play sound on the dashboard pages accessible via the Home menu)
  • On all pages (will play on all pages)

This setting plays a sound in the browser on every refresh whenever the number of alarms is not zero.

Create a Maps Object with Alarm Sound

You can create sounds within maps for specific objects that are in an alarm state.

From the main menu, select Maps, open a map and go to the Map Editor. Click Add Map Item, select the group/device/sensor that you want to be notified about and select With Alarm Sound (Audible Alarm ist Alarms > 0) from the Status Icons section of the template selector. OK.

When viewing this map, you will now get an alarm sound in your browser window whenever the number of alarms for the item is not zero.

Sounds in PRTG Windows GUI

The Windows GUI is able to play sounds differentiated for new alarms, new log entries, and new ToDos.

In the Windows GUI, select File | Options & Server Settings... from the main menu. There, you can specify the audible alarms to fit your needs.

Please note: These audio alarms are only played when the Windows GUI is running and connected to the PRTG core server.

Created on Jun 9, 2010 3:46:56 PM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Last change on Jan 7, 2014 5:11:17 PM by  Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]



I would like to add the "With Alarm Sound (Audible Alarm ist Alarms > 0) from the Status Icons section", but I do not have that item in the "status Icons section".

We use PRTG Network Monitor .

And when sound is working, how to change which sound is played?

Created on Nov 9, 2010 2:55:50 PM



Dear Jan,

Status Icons are of course still available for the Maps in PRTG 8, the place is exactly the same in the Maps, and then the Maps Designer. The sound played cannot be changed, unless you would edit the template html-file.

Best Regards.

Created on Nov 9, 2010 3:53:10 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



Hello I am trying to do this - i added an object called "Status and Audible Alert" is that the correct way to do this? Also is it possible when there is a new alarm for the alert sound to play continuously until it is acknowledged? If so, how?


Created on Oct 29, 2012 5:41:05 PM



I had one of our developers make an executable that plays wave files.

Created on Oct 6, 2014 4:26:11 PM



Hi Dwood0001

Can you please share to us how to make this thing possible work? i mean i want to customize my map to play audio alert if one of my sensor is down.

Created on Nov 10, 2015 12:12:12 AM



Yep, want the same, want to connect an audio file to all sensors from maps and when they goes to down i want an audio alarm!

Created on Oct 23, 2018 12:16:56 PM



But you can configure audible alerts in your account, just for the maps?

PRTG Scheduler | PRTGapi | Feature Requests | WMI Issues | SNMP Issues

Kind regards,
Stephan Linke, Tech Support Team

Created on Oct 24, 2018 12:21:38 PM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



Hi there, I want to have a sound notification when some (not all) alerts accure on prtg. I'm using V. 17. Is it possible? Thanks you a lot.

Created on Jul 16, 2019 6:55:31 AM



Nope - all alerts will actually trigger the audible alarm. Sorry! :(

PRTGapi | Feature Requests | SNMP Issues

Kind regards,
Stephan Linke, Tech Support Team

Created on Jul 16, 2019 8:21:59 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



There are some tricks with a maps which we successfully using. You can add a copy of a device (or sesnor) to your map and assign to it "Status and audible alert (if alarm > 0)". You can do this only for objects you want to audio alarm. This double some of your objects on maps but you get alarm only for devices you need.

Created on Jul 16, 2019 8:29:36 AM

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