Hi Samuel,
We don't have exactly that report, but something similar: click
You'd need to modify it accordingly to also give you the time from acknowledged to up. As of now, it only tracks the time from down to up. The last point is somewhat difficult to report on. You'd need to get all switches between up and down and then get all that happen between a certain timespan, like lordmilko mentioned in the Gist:
From PrtgAPI 0.9.0 you can specify -IgnoreSSL to Connect-PrtgServer; this allows you to ignore SSL
validation errors without having to manually paste in a whole bunch of code to ignore invalid
certificates yourself! In addition, you can even specify a -Status to Get-ObjectLog to filter against one or more statuses server side! This is really useful when trying to track down rare events that occur within a large timespan
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Kind regards,
Stephan Linke, Tech Support Team
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