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FeedUsing Custom Map Object with Library on a Donut Object




I have read several topics about making custom map objects to view data in a different way: https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/61263-where-can-i-find-custom-map-objects-and-other-map-customizations

Currently I'm trying to make a custom map object out of a Donut (originally donut_font-dark.htm) that is taking data from a library, of which the library ID is entered in the "HTML Before" placeholder in the Map designer.

Basically, I'm trying to execute this topic, but then instead of a sunburst I want a donut: https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/59942-how-can-i-use-a-status-icon-of-a-device-in-maps-which-only-considers-specific-sensors

Can you help me with building up this custom map object?


custom-map-object donuts library map-objects

Created on Feb 5, 2019 2:05:11 PM

4 Replies



Hi there,

I am afraid that this is not possible as the Sunburst is generated entirely different from the Donut Object. The Sunburst works with the internal tree or libtree plugin whereas the donut object uses a new and dedicated donut-plugin.

Best regards.

Created on Feb 5, 2019 3:03:51 PM by  Dariusz Gorka [Paessler Support]



That's too bad... Can you tell me specifically which objects can be altered to work with the libtree plugin?

Created on Feb 5, 2019 3:06:31 PM



Hi there,

I understand that, unfortunately, there is no documentation about that as we do not offer/support customizing of PRTG.

Best regards.

Created on Feb 6, 2019 8:49:42 AM by  Dariusz Gorka [Paessler Support]



Again I think thats a prio 1 feature which everybody would like!

Created on Mar 18, 2020 8:42:21 AM

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