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FeedMap Status Donut Objet for devices that aren't in the same group, is possible?



Good Day

Like the tittle says, i am trying to put a Status Donut object from some devices that aren't in the same group, from where i understand the status and top 10 objects only work for devices already made on the same group, i cant find a way with out duplicating all the sensors and making a separate group to recall the data from there.

i don't want to go like that because of this

[quote]Cloning an object will cause the sensors to hit the server several times[/quote] https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/62880-does-cloning-a-device-or-group-cause-the-sensor-to-hit-a-server-more-times#reply-203181

i don't know how to do it or if its possible to be made on prtg with out maybe grafana or another script that recall the data from prtg api, is there a way to make it on prtg map designer?

Thanks in advance

duplicate-sensors map-designer map-objects

Created on May 20, 2019 7:29:40 PM

1 Reply



Hello Abel,

Thank you very much for your contact.

Unfortunately, there is no map object that provides you with that view. We provide a handful of articles that help you creating map objects but we've decided to cease support for customizing PRTG.

Thank you very much for your understanding and sorry that I can't offer a more satisfactory answer in this case.

Best regards,

Created on May 22, 2019 9:16:11 PM by  Sebastian Kniege [Paessler Support]

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