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This knowledgebase contains questions and answers about PRTG Network Monitor and network monitoring in general.

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PRTG Network Monitor

Intuitive to Use. Easy to manage.
More than 500,000 users rely on Paessler PRTG every day. Find out how you can reduce cost, increase QoS and ease planning, as well.

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Knowledge Base overview

This is an overview of some of the topics. You can view other topics grouped by, activity, hottest, important, newest, views, votes.

0 votes

No acknowledge ability on alarms

acknowledge alarms how-to

Views: 1002, on Dec 19, 2018 3:22:20 PM

0 votes

Making sense of vCenter Warnings from PRTG

captchas no please vmware

Views: 2698, on Dec 19, 2018 9:42:27 PM

0 votes

Automatic Map Creation

custom-map maps prtg

Views: 4020, on Dec 22, 2018 3:06:12 AM

0 votes

"No configuration file found" after move

error prtg service

Views: 3161, on Dec 20, 2018 11:06:45 PM

0 votes

snmptrafficsensor peaks out

peak prtg snmp-traffic-sensors

Views: 1514, on Dec 20, 2018 9:27:31 AM

0 votes

my prtg server has crashed

prtg system-crash windows-2012-r2

Views: 1800, on Dec 22, 2018 12:38:11 PM

0 votes

What is the function of the "scan now" button?

refresh scan-now ssh

Views: 2760, on Dec 20, 2018 2:39:09 AM

0 votes

SNMP going away

snmp windows-10 windows-server

Views: 28460, on Dec 23, 2018 6:20:22 PM